As a preservice teacher, I often find myself in conversation with the idea of a growth mindset. I have heard about Ms. Carol Dweck before in my teacher education program many times before, we are constantly finding new ways to implement the practice in our classrooms and within our education. I feel as if I am on the growth mindset end of the spectrum, I will admit, there have been times in the past that I was living with a fixed-mindset, but through becoming a teacher, and with my history in the sport of wrestling, I learned that having a growth mindset is vital for success. I have learned that although I am capable of learning in a typical manner, living with ADHD has made learning a difficult task for me. At OU, I realized that I cannot just "bs" my way through a degree, I learned that being able to skate by without trying is not a talent, but rather a shortcoming. I have learned that I need to write things down, that I will not remember the things I think that I will. I think I will always be interested in learning about the growth mindset, that includes this semester. I think having a continual reminder of the importance of the reminder is vital for my own success. My own personal learning goal for this semester is certainly to be able to get ahead of my work. I want to get out of the mindset that I should do my assignments the day that they are due. I want to work on getting ahead of the schedule. I am really excited about this class, to be honest. I think this class will be really good for keeping me productive. There are no classes that I am particularly worried about, as this semester I am focusing on me and my growth, ironically.
Growth Mindset, Source: Maya Angelou Quote |
I enjoyed reading about how you transitioned from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset as you became exposed to that in your teacher education program. I think it is important to teach the youth about maintaining a growth mindset to overcome their educational challenges and strive for success. A growth mindset is essential to be successful in life as it enables you to adapt to overcome challenges that may come your way in order to succeed. I'm rooting for you to focus on you and your personal growth this semester; hopefully it'll be an easy one for both of us!