Amaterasu The Sun Goddess: Source Being the goddess of the sun after all these years is quite taxing. Being responsible for keeping the balance and harmony within the earth realm is just exhausting. You may have heard that I bequeathed my position to one of my descendants, and while this is true, someone has to make sure that no one messes up the balance. It has been thousands of years since that incident. With the exception of the elders, not many people remember who I am. The year is 2020, my descendant Asahi is now in charge of the light. I watch over her, as she is just a girl. I watch her as she channels her powers, I need to ensure that she is acting responsibly with something that she did not ask for. Having the entire power of the sun in your hands is quite the responsibility. I know how it was. Growing up with my brother, our parents put such a force of pressure upon us. It was inescapable. But those times are over, I must look forward to en...
Image of Japan Source Like I said with the first half of the reading, I was really excited to be able to add some Japanese mythology into my portfolio. These are definitely stories that I will want to incorporate into my classroom someday as an English teacher. I really enjoyed how all of these stories strung together as a linear story but also worked as stand-alone stories. I really enjoyed the entire mythology as a whole, and I am glad that I got the opportunity to broaden my horizons with literature, as I do not get much exposure to world literature in my current field of study. I thought it was a nice change from the first half of the readings, and I thoroughly enjoyed the readings. My favorite story from the anthology was Japan: The Jewel Heart of Desire. This story is connected to the fish hook story from the same anthology and is based around Emperor Chiuai and the Japanese Goddesses as a whole. I really liked how short these stories are, they...